Don’t Blame Menopause

September 2013: From the WebMD Women’s Health online magazine:

“Most women do gain some weight around the time of menopause, but hormones probably aren’t the only cause. Aging slows the metabolism, so you burn fewer calories, and changes in lifestyle (such as exercising less) play a role. But where you gain weight also may be related to menopause, with fat accumulating around your waist, not your hips and thighs.”

And as we all know, gaining weight around the waist is something we need to avoid not just because it doesn’t look great, but because a larger waist is a known risk factor.  “Men and women who are very large around the middle are at much greater risk of dying from any cause than people with thinner waists … and not just from weight-related problems” (2010 study quoted in WebMD, Aug 9, 2010).

One more reason to hit the gym!